Every important person in a child's life wants that child to be good with money.

  • Kai Makes Money

  • The train looks fun, but you have to earn money to pay for things you want.

  • You can start your own business. What’s something you like to do?

  • What would he buy next? And how would he earn the money to do it?


About Leah

Money is turning into virtual transactions and literally vanishing into air, many children will never even touch money. It will become texts and online balances; how does that change the understanding of money for children? My fear is this technological transition makes it even harder to understand, so our job of stepping in and bridging the gap becomes even more important.

Teaching our kids to be good with money is going to take repetition and an ongoing commitment. I recognize not everyone is good with money, even many adults. Let's take an active role to educate and empower our children to be Good Money Kids!

 Latest Blogs

I have compiled resources for you to assist in the
goal of educating our children about money,
click here to
learn more.